September 24, 2011

The Routledge Encyclopedia of Taoism

An important resource for the study of Taoism has just been made available in a relatively affordable paperback edition. It is the Routeledge Encyclopedia of Taoism, and comes in 2-volumes, totaling 1608 pages. The original hardcover edition of this text was published in 2008 and currently lists for US $ 315.00, so the appearance of the paperback edition (listing for a still substantial US $ 99.00) brings this reference within reach of the serious student of Taoist studies.

This work, edited by Fabrizio Pregadio, stands as the definitive resource for Taoist studies, and includes important terms, texts, biographies, bibliographies, etc. A link to the hardcover edition at offers a "Click to Look Inside" feature which gives the reader a feel for what is in the text; and the Golden Elixir website provides a page for the book, which includes sample entries, the full Introduction and a list of contributing scholars.

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