October 11, 2011

The Seal of the Unity of the Three

Fabrizio Pregadio's translation of the Zhou yi Cantong qi has just been published by Golden Elixir Press. As you can see from the screenshot below, there is a discounted price available until October 23, 2011. The book's page at www.goldenelixir.com can be found here. As is the case with Golden Elixir books, detailed information, plus free samples are available on that page. 

1 comment:

Muriel said...

The book also benefits from very extensive and informative notes and some very useful tables. Highly recommend it.

Fabrizio Pregadio has also just translated Isabelle Robinet's essays on internal alchemy, 'The World Upside Down'. Another very worthwhile read, currently selling at a discounted rate on Amazon